Back to card15:45 Plu 23/10/2023 C3 2m4f Gd/Sf 98 15:40 Utt 28/10/2022 C3 2m Good -- 360 days break -- 83 15:36 Exe 22/03/2022 C3 2m2f Gd/Sf -- 220 days break -- 122 13:35 Fon 19/03/2022 C4 2m2f Gd/Sf 99 14:25 Nwc 18/01/2022 C4 2m4f Gd/Sf 57 Rating from past performances 95.0 +Extra factors, Jockey/Draw/Secret sauce 87.8 Race Relevance Performance on the day 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 The following mods have already been factored in to today's Sprint Rating: Optimal distance 2m 2f 99y. Penalty for today's distance (2m 3f 13y) -0.1pts Deeper Blue prior to 14:05 Doncaster 2m3f Gd/Sf