Back to card16:30 Crl 26/10/2023 C4 3m2f Soft 95 12:20 Ain 03/12/2022 C4 3m1f Gd/Sf -- 327 days break -- 36 13:03 Nwc 17/11/2022 C5 3m Soft 84 15:45 Hex 04/11/2022 C5 2m7f Soft 74 15:55 Crl 20/10/2022 C5 2m4f Soft 84 15:15 Wth 27/01/2022 C4 2m Gd/Sf -- 266 days break -- 66 12:27 Wth 15/01/2022 C4 2m Soft 51 Rating from past performances 91.1 +Extra factors, Jockey/Draw/Secret sauce 82.9 Race Relevance Performance on the day 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 The following mods have already been factored in to today's Sprint Rating: Optimal distance 3m 2f 13y. Penalty for today's distance (3m 2f 7y) -0.0pts Fenland Tiger prior to 14:45 Carlisle 3m2f Soft